" The richest people in the world build networks. Everyone else is trained to work"
- Robert Kyosaki
Thirty some odd years ago women were tapping pencils into the glass ceiling, hoping to make it past secretary or elevator host and sacrificing the most precious of cultural capitol - a husband. Now women can have a thriving career and keep the husband, but still have to sacrifice time with their families, that is, assuming that women don't have the most precious cultural capitol we have now: stay at home dad's. (God bless you all!!)
But what if you don't have a man that's willing to stay at home with the kids? Or what if the hubby's income barely makes ends meet? Is it still possible to be a mogul and be with our babies as much as we want to? Yes.
Allow me to drop a statistic:
82% of all women that earn over $100,000 a year in the United States, do so in the world of network marketing.
Why is this? Because many of us have kids that's why. Since women finally clawed our way through and above The Glass Ceiling, we found out that most of Corporate America does not jive with what mommy's need to do. One could argue that the inequality between men and women's salaries reflects that. But now women are turning on to an economy that billionaires such as Warren Buffet and Robert Kiyosaki have touted as the smart way to make money: Network Marketing. Coupled with The Internet, Skype and Smart Phones, Network Marketing is morphing from risky business to smart business. Women across the US are making cash money on their own terms. Building networks and making their own hours thereby flipping the patriarchal business model on it's head.
Consider Kandi Burress, a single mom and cast member of Real Housewives of Atlanta that is also a successful songwriter and performer. She launched a company through network marketing that both empowers women and makes her some serious dough.
Her website, which sells pleasure toys for women, includes a portion that allows you to be your own entrepreneur, and market yourself online. Whether or not you agree with sex toys one thing is for sure, there is always a gap in the market ( no pun intended) for products such as these. Especially ones made and designed by a woman. What's great about her company, however, is not just the market demand, but that it spotlights products made for women sold by and created by women.
Kandi is teaching women to be their own moguls. To achieve what Kandi has in her life, not to think of it as unattainable.
Her website offers positive affirmations like, "You are creative", and "You are an entrepreneur". While some seasoned business owners, might chortle at these sayings, or perceive them as condescending, if you're a single mom living in the hood, these types of affirmations are absolutely important and necessary. Sisters need some positivity to cut through the perils of poverty and disenfranchisement. And don't forget the check coming in every month. Everybody needs that.
When Kandy addressed her company on the show at an event to thank the consultants, she welled up in tears. I can only imagine how that might feel, helping others that are helping you. Women helping women get rich. It doesn't get better than that.
There is a new economy coming everyone. And while male billionaires confirm this, it is women that are driving the bus (and men are more than welcome to come take a driving shift).
Will I be jumping in? Absolutely. Will I be working for Kandy? Probably not. I don't care how excited I am about this new economy, I don't think I could make that phone call or meeting without giggling.
I'm jumping in because now that there is no glass ceiling, and woman can find success without having to personify Sigourney Weaver in Working Girl, we can make business that supports our lives not runs against the grain of them. And now that technology has placed all the tools for business on our laps and desktops, thereby erasing alarm clocks and rigid schedules, we can define success on our own terms in our own damn time.
91% of direct
sellers say that direct selling meets or exceeds their expectations as a
business where the harder they work the more money they can make.
Things can change. Anything can happen. Now that The Glass Ceiling is gone, the the sky's the limit. Literally.